Thursday, February 16, 2012

10th Grade Memories

Tomorrow is the last basketball game of the season. It's been a great cheer squad this year. Go Lions!

Hannah started off the school year by joining Cross Country in the Fall. She worked hard and received a MVP award for the 2011-12 School Year in Cross Country.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I always look forward to Valentine's Day. I know that on that day I will probably get something special. I vote for everyday to be Valentine's Day. Today my husband of 22 years got me beautiful flowers, my favorite candy and a sweet card. I am blessed!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Princess

We call her Princess Hannah. She is beautiful, smart, athletic, sweet and caring. She is 15 and a sophomore in High School. She stays busy all the time. She has at least 6 sleepovers with friends a month. I love her friends. They are all so sweet. So far this year she has done Cross Country and Cheerleading. Now she is starting Soccer season and loves it! She is very involved in the youth group at church and a high school leader for the middle schoolers. I am so proud to be her mother!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Son!

It's been a fun weekend! Friday, 2/3 was Joshua's 13th birthday. We started off the day going to breakfast at Chick-fil-a. Then we went to his favorite store at Concord Mills to spend money he received for his birthday. Once his dad got home from work, he opened gifts from us. He got a Kindle Fire and a dart board. This boy loves to read! We ate dinner at his favorite restaurant, Noodles & Company. For dessert, I made him carrot cake! Yum! He ended the day with his best friend spending the night. They stayed up almost all night playing on the XBox 360.

Joshua is smart, funny, and kind hearted. He loves playing video games, Legos, reading and playing Soccer. His best friend lives next door. I am so proud of him and the young man he is becoming. It's hard to believe he is officially a teenager! I love you Joshua!

I am also proud of his sister who posted on her facebook "Happy Birthday to the best little brother ever!". This makes my heart happy! I have lots of great things to say about Hannah too. I will brag about her on another post soon!

Happy Birthday Joshua! We love you! - Mom & Dad