Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Panther's Game the Sunday before Christmas

Christmas Celebration #1 - so good to have Hannah home

Christmas Celebration #2

The love warms my heart!

Christmas Eve Service

Joshua 15 years old

Dinner at beach with Austin's family

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wanna Go to Homecoming?

Joshua carved a pumpkin to ask a friend to Homecoming

Then he added a candle on the inside of the pumpkin

Want to go to Homecoming?
She said "yes".

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Surgery, Surgery and Another Surgery

Poor Mike is falling apart. He had back surgery Thanksgiving 2012. Then he had a partial knee replacement on his left knee in May 2014 and then another partial knee replacement on his right knee in September 2014.

Back Surgery - November 2012

Back surgery - November 2012

Up and walking day after back surgery

Knee Surgery - May 2014

Mike getting ready for 1st knee surgery

Still waiting for 1st knee surgery

After surgery feeling pretty good until swelling
started after 1st surgery

Staples getting ready to come out on
first knee surgery

Knee Surgery - September 2014

Getting ready for second knee surgery.

One week later. Swelling and pain. Doctor
sent us for ultrasound. Ultrasound showed a
blood clot in leg so they sent us to ER.

They did a CAT Scan and found a blood clot
in lung. So being readmitted to hospital.
Will be on blood thinner for 6 months.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

18 Years Ago Today

We were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, 18 years ago today.  She has brought so much joy in our lives. She means everything to her mom and dad. We are so proud of her. I can not wait to see what all God has planned for her. I hope and pray she knows how much we love her! I thank God for her. She is beautiful, mature beyond her years, smart, sweet and fun. I love you Hannah! Happy 18th Birthday!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy 73rd Birthday!
Longhorn for lunch on Labor Day to celebrate my dad's birthday! Those sunglasses look like eyebrows! (haha!) Hope you have the best one yet! We sure are lucky to call you dad and Grandpa! We love you!

Monday, August 18, 2014

College Life

We moved Hannah in to her dorm at NC State on Friday, August 15th. It was exhausting. Thought I would post a few pictures of her room.

Hannah and her roommate Courtney

Hannah's bunk bed

Living Room - futon under Courtney's bed

Living Room - TV under Hannah's bed

Kitchen and Hannah's desk

Hannah's closet

Hannah's bed and desk

We miss Hannah so much! Look forward to seeing her soon! Classes start on Wednesday.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

One week from today we move Hannah into NC State University! I am a mess of emotions. I am happy, sad, proud and excited all at the same time, but I'm mostly proud! I will miss her so much but I know she is going to do great things! I will look forward to every call, text, visit, or FaceTime that I can get. I am blessed to be her mom. I love you Hannah!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Sue!

I am so thankful for this woman in my life. She is my boss, Director/Principal of our school and one of my best friends. She is beautiful, funny, kind and caring. We have a lot of work to keep us busy, but we also have fun while doing it. We are a team. We work best when we are together. So thankful to call her my friend. I've had the pleasure of knowing her for 10 years now. We also share the same birthday week. Happy Birthday Sue!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Beautiful Mom

My mom is going to kill me. She doesn't like her picture taken so she always hides from the camera. However, I have a few shots of her. She is really pretty! I don't know why she refuses to have her picture taken. That is going to have to change.

One of my favorites!

Throwback to the 70's?

More recent picture

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

25 Years

Happy 25th Anniversary to my hubby! It's hard to believe we have been married 1/4 of a century! I love you!

College days!

June 17, 1989

25 Years later

Mike surprised me with flowers at work!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fun at the Beach

We wanted to get our last vacation in before Hannah heads off to college. We stayed at our favorite resort at the beach.

Happy Father's Day!

Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a "daddy".

My Daddy, my sister and me - back in the 70's

My Daddy on Father's Day 2014

Also Happy Father's Day to my husband. Thank you for all you do for us!

My hubby, Hannah and Joshua

My World