Monday, August 18, 2014

College Life

We moved Hannah in to her dorm at NC State on Friday, August 15th. It was exhausting. Thought I would post a few pictures of her room.

Hannah and her roommate Courtney

Hannah's bunk bed

Living Room - futon under Courtney's bed

Living Room - TV under Hannah's bed

Kitchen and Hannah's desk

Hannah's closet

Hannah's bed and desk

We miss Hannah so much! Look forward to seeing her soon! Classes start on Wednesday.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

One week from today we move Hannah into NC State University! I am a mess of emotions. I am happy, sad, proud and excited all at the same time, but I'm mostly proud! I will miss her so much but I know she is going to do great things! I will look forward to every call, text, visit, or FaceTime that I can get. I am blessed to be her mom. I love you Hannah!