Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homecoming 2015

Joshua and Isley had a great time at homecoming this year.

Monday, October 12, 2015

The last birthday before the big one!

I'm a little late with this post. Happy Birthday to my hubby. It's the 20th Anniversary of his 29th Birthday! Thank you for working so hard to provide for us, for keeping our house spotless and for all the other things you do! We are thankful for you!

Taking our baby girl to college ...

Having fun at the beach...

Family time...

Having dinner...

Playing mini golf at the beach...

Dinner at the beach...

Dinner with dad...

Monday, September 7, 2015

19 Years Ago Today ...

19 years ago today the Princess of our family was born. Hannah, we are so proud of the young woman you have become. It has been such a joy to watch you grow up. You are sweet, caring, funny, smart and beautiful! You have brought so much love into our family. We love you so much!

3 months old

19 Years Old

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Happy 74th Birthday Dad!

Today my dad celebrates his 74th birthday. We get to see him this weekend to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Best grandpa ever!


My dad and his grandchildren! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of 11th Grade

Joshua will be studying Pre-Calculus Honors, English IV Honors, Physics Honors, Oceanography, American History Honors and Spanish IV Honors this year. He is also playing Varsity Soccer and working as a tutor and at Chick-fil-a. Looking forward to a great school year! (He wouldn't cooperate much with taking a picture. This is all I could get.)

First day of 11th Grade

Friday, August 21, 2015

NC State Sophomore Year

It was wonderful having Hannah home for the summer. Now she is back for her second year of college. She is all moved in to an apartment this year. Hoping she has fun, studies hard and makes good grades.

Friday, July 3, 2015

48 Years Young

Hard to believe I'm almost 50. Had a great birthday! Had a nice birthday lunch at PF Chang's, grilled out for dinner and went walking on the greenway at the park with Hannah.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Another Year Older

As I am approaching my birthday this weekend, I was looking back at some pictures of me growing up. Thankful to have these pictures.

me and my sister

My cousin Ricky and me at our Aunt and Uncles Wedding

Terrible quality but so cute

My sister, dad and me

Me and my sister

me and my sister

Family picture sometime in the 70's

Me in the glasses, my grandpa and sister

my sister, dad and me

me and my sister with her kids, Holly and Emily

College graduation

me and Mike years ago (early 90's)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my dad and my hubby! We are blessed to have both of you!

My dad with Joshua

Mike reading to Hannah and Joshua

Mike with Hannah

Happy Father's Day to Mike's dad in Heaven

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Happy 26th Anniversary!

Today we celebrate 26 years of being married. This date back in 1989 we said "I do".
Happy Anniversary to my hubby!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

My kids wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday this year. All I asked for is to have pictures done. No one likes to do that but they did it for me:). Hannah is 18 and just finished her first year at college. Joshua is 16 and just finished his Sophomore year in High School. Love them! Thank you for the best birthday present!