Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas with Family

Christmas this year was special. We got to see all of our family!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Christmas with Holly & Nate

Hannah & Austin


Christmas 2016

Robin, Tom, Holly, Nate, Emily, mom & dad

My parents with the grandchildren

Hannah & Joshua with Aunt Robin and Uncle Tom

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

In Everything Give Thanks!

We had a great Thanksgiving! Thankful for family and spending time together!
"In everything give thanks!" - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Friday, November 18, 2016

Homecoming 2016

Josh and Isley had a great time at Homecoming. They had dinner at Macaroni Grill, went to the basketball game and homecoming dance.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Happy Anniversary - 54 Years!

Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad who just celebrated 54 years of being married. They were married November 5, 1962. These are my favorite pictures of them!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Soccer Awards

We are so proud of Joshua for getting two awards at his Senior Sports Banquet. Joshua has played Soccer for Grace Academy since 7th grade. The experience has been much more than Soccer. I am thankful that he had this opportunity. He had Coach Silva for all 6 years! He is a great role model and in Josh's words like a "dad" to him. Joshua received the Lion Heart Character Award and the Academic Scholar Award. So proud of him and the young man he is!

2016 Boys Soccer Team

Coach and Seniors (Class of 2017)


Lion Heart Character Award and Academic Scholar Award

Coach Silva

Thursday, October 20, 2016

NC State Visit and Tour

We always enjoy seeing Hannah! This is her 3rd year at NC State. She gave Joshua an engineering tour. Will we have 3 engineers in our family? He is talking a lot about chemical engineering.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

One of us is 50! And it's not me!

Mike turns 50 today! He is the love of my life! Mike is a hard working, intelligent, caring, and sweet husband and father! I am so thankful for him and all that he does for us! I am blessed to call him my husband and father of our children.

Beach 2016

Mike and Hannah

Mike and Joshua

Hannah turns 20!

I can't believe that my sweet baby girl is 20 years old! Hannah is beautiful inside and out! She is also independent, strong, smart, and sweet! Hannah exemplifies integrity in all that she does. We are so proud of her. She is a Junior at NC State University and is studying to be a Civil Engineer. She has been such a joy to us as a daughter. And is the best big sister to Joshua. She means everything to us! We can't wait to see all that she will become and what God has planned for her!

Holly and Nate's Wedding

Holly and Nate were married Sunday, September 4, 2016 in Franklin, TN. She is a beautiful bride.

Beautiful Holly

Holly and Nate

You may kiss the Bride!

Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Hitt