Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017

We had a wonderful Christmas! It was great having Hannah and Joshua back home. We started celebrating Christmas Eve Eve with Mike's family.

On Christmas Eve day, Austin and Hannah went to the Panther's game. Mike, Joshua and I went to the Christmas Eve service.

Then Christmas Day we went to Georgia to visit with my family.

Holly and Nate

Joshua and Isley

Emily and Jay

mom and dad

Robin and Tom

We had a great time and ate lots of food. This game was so funny:

Friday, December 8, 2017

Christmas Memories

Oh how I miss these little ones. I am so glad I have these pictures and memories.



Thanksgiving Fun

We have so much to be thankful for!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Happy Birthday Mike!

I am really late with this post! Mike's birthday is in September. Happy 51st Birthday! I am thankful he was born many years ago so we could have two beautiful children and these wonderful memories together.

Mike with Hannah

Mike with Joshua

Sweet Hannah

Friday, September 8, 2017

Happy 21st Birthday Hannah!

Hannah turned 21 yesterday! We are so proud of you Hannah! From the moment we found out we were having you, you have brought us so much joy! You are a sweet, beautiful, smart, kind and amazing young woman! We can't wait to see all that God has planned for your life!