Monday, May 29, 2017

Beach 2017

We left the day after graduation for the beach! It is so good to spend time with these kids that are now adults. I'm trying to enjoy each moment I get with them. I'm not going to like an empty nest!
Austin was with us part of the trip and left to go back to work before family photos.

Love this picture!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Graduation Day

Saturday, May 20, 2017 Joshua graduated high school. We are thankful for family and friends that were able to join us as we celebrate this wonderful achievement. Joshua was asked to speak at graduation and was recognized as Valedictorian. Joshua woke up to a nice surprise. His best friend, Chris, drove all the way from Franklin, TN to be here for him.

We are so proud of Joshua!

(photo credit: Rusty Burroughs)


Aunt Kelly and Grandmother

The best friend, Chris


Isley and Joshua

(photo credit: Rusty Burroughs)